YOUTH GROUP: What Team Are You On?


What team will you be rooting for…



As for me, I have a bit of a confession. As a proud Southerner, there are a few Southern things that I could do without…sweet tea, Ranch dressing, and football.

I’m not saying I hate the sport. I just wasn’t one of those sporty kids. I get the appeal though.

I don’t jump at the chance to go to football games but when I do I usually really enjoy them. I love rooting for my team usually the Cowboys because I grew up in Arkansas and we don’t do the NFL. I like having my people and being in a community of fans all wildly cheering for one thing, one purpose, one goal. Teams are awesome in that way!

In Youth Group this past Sunday, we talked about teams as we reflected on the reading from 1 Corinthians 1:10-18:


“I bring this up because some from Chloe’s family brought a…disturbing report to my attention—that you’re fighting among yourselves! …You’re all picking sides, going around saying, “I’m on Paul’s side,” or “I’m for Apollos,” or “Peter is my man,” or “I’m in the [Jesus] group.”

(-Excerpt edited from the Message Bible)


Our youth in middle school and high school know all about teams. They play all sorts of sports and compete in all kinds of ways. So we talked about the advantages and disadvantages of being on a team.

“You can accomplish a goal together that you couldn’t alone.”

“If one person messes up, the whole team loses.”

And lots of other thoughts.

There were some interesting responses when I asked the question:

“Do you think we are a team? When you look at people here at Trinity Church does it feel like we are on the same team?”

You might be surprised by their answers both in good ways and not so great ways.

You should ask them.

But the reminder I offered was that we are all on the same team. God is the coach and God picks everyone. God’s team is that big and that accepting. Jesus is like our team captain and shows us how to play the game at our best. I was asked, “but what about the Holy Spirit,” which I wasn’t ready for but I said it’s like the team manager. Its that feeling inside that encourages us to work together towards one goal, towards loving everyone the way that God loves each of us.

So when you are watching the Super Bowl on February 5th, remember that though it’s great if your team wins…We’re all on the same team. Now let’s get out there and hustle. Because its always game time!

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